Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Department Meeting Minutes 3/26

Department Meeting Agenda 3/26

Members present: Ralston, LeRoy, Masters, Johnson, Cotton, Alvey, Hazel

1. Supply orders (Hennig)-When would you like those completed so you can combine everything for Janet
-Turn in calculators to Cotton at the end of year
-Order things that your replacement could use if you know you are leaving

2. MAP testing
-Have you emailed Ellison your time?
-Did you secure technology?
-How are you pushing students to try their best?

3. ACT testing
-Test is now April 24. We will run regular schedule that day (not sure about the rest of the week yet). Need clarification on April 24th schedule.
-Calculators need to be in Ellison's office Tuesday afternoon (April 23rd).
-Possibility of doing 10th grade Math field test on the same day as Junior ACT. Thoughts?
Probably not. Don't trust other people to proctor your test.

4. Questions/concerns?
-Aspen community night on Thursday night (3/28)

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Department Meeting Minutes 2/26

Department Meeting 2/26

Members present: Hennig, Cotton, Alvey, Hazel, LeRoy, Johnson, Masters, Ralston

1. ACT info

2. Testing updates

3. Vocabulary

4. Supply orders

5. Other business

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Department Meeting Minutes 10/2

Department Meeting Minutes 10/2

Location: Rm 319 following faculty meeting
Members Present: Brooks, Hazel, Ralston, Lawson, Masters, Cotton, LeRoy

1. Changes to accountability testing
2. Algebra II could possibly not be a graduation requirement anymore.
3. Essential Standards for each course.
4. Questions/concerns?

Department Meeting Minutes 3/26

Department Meeting Agenda 3/26 Members present: Ralston, LeRoy, Masters, Johnson, Cotton, Alvey, Hazel 1. Supply orders (Hennig)-When wo...